Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Circle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Circle - Essay Example The images and sounds are equally pitiful and terrifying for the viewer. In quick summary, the movie begins with a miraculous event- the birth of a child. Unfortunately, the joy never follows because the child is a girl, even though the doctors told the family it would be a boy. Then the viewers meet Arezou and Nargess who have escaped from prison. They try to find their way to what they hope might be a country paradise. Another woman, Pari, is pregnant, but since her husband has been executed, she cannot get approval for an abortion. She is trying desperately to get one anyway. Yet another woman is trying to abandon her young daughter with the hopes that another family will take pity on her and give her a happy home. A prostitute, a luckily remarried woman, and a woman whose husband remarried while she was in prison round out the cast. It should be noted that the cast was not one of Hollywood starts, but of real Middle Eastern women. This lends a feel of authenticity and reality to the film. All of the women in director Jafar Panahi's film suffer from two things: their gender and their marital status. Single females in Iran are open to torturous and demeaning treatment every day. Their dress, travel, work, and hobbies are all subject to male approval. Their struggles are incomprehensible to women in the western world who alternate between voicing dismay at their plight and conveniently avoiding it. For these reasons. Panahi's film stings so deeply into the cores of viewers everywhere, especially women. Western society cannot understand, let alone justify, these treatments of women. Fortunately, two Middle Eastern women can provide explanations about the substance of this film as it relates to life for women in Tehran and the Middle East as a whole. Suad Joseph is currently a Professor of Anthropology of Women and Gender Studies and the Director of Middle East/South Asia Studies at the University of California at Davis. She is a native of Lebanon and has spent years researching women, family and children in her native land. Her research focuses on their concepts of self, citizenship and rights. She has written several books on the subject including Gender and Citizenship in the Middle East and Intimate Selving in Arab Families. She is the founder of the Association for Middle East Women Studies and of four American universities in the Middle East. Shemeem Burney Abbas is a native of Saudi Arabia. She has taught at colleges in both Islamabad and in Texas. She spent the years from 1987 to 1992 at the University of Austin in Texas and then at the Allama Iqbal Open University in Islamabad from 1992-1999 and then again from 2002-2003. She has given lecture of her article "The Female Voices in Sufi Ritual: An Ethnography of Speaking at the University of Texas, the University of North Carolina, Duke University, Columbia University, and the University of Pennsylvania in the United States. She currently holds a Ph.D. in English Language. According to Joseph, in Gender Citizenship in the Middle East, an examination of the legal documents related to citizenship has revealed that citizenship is extremely gendered in all arenas, particularly the political, economic and cultural. Joseph argues that the struggle for women to gain a sense of self and identity through citizenship has been compromised by the nations' struggles for identity themselves. The nations of the Middle East, on

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Life as a Mom Essay Example for Free

Life as a Mom Essay Although the media depict most women as housewives and stay-at-home mothers, in reality many women work full time and put their children in daycare. Stay at home moms and working moms have their own advantages and disadvantages. However, a stay at home mom is able to give greater attention to the family while working moms are able to provide financial stability although they are not able to assure greater care to their children. I experienced both, being at home and working outside the home. I personally believe having my husband and me working has made my family happier. According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association of over 1,300 moms the happiest moms are, perhaps unsurprisingly, those who work part-time (Bindley 1). Comparing and contrasting being a stay at home mom vs. a working mom along with the modern economic and social reality has led to the emergence of various social changes and one such social change is the emergences of two kinds of mothers namely stay at home mothers and working mothers (Bindley 1). In this essay, an attempt is made to study the similarities and differences between the working mothers and stay at home mothers; also the term `stay at home moms refers to those mothers who do not work outside their homes. They prefer to stay at home. This is due to their care for their children and family, also these stay at home moms before they became mothers were working women. Gradually there is transition of working women to becoming stay at home moms. However, after they became mothers, it was very difficult to manage both house and work. Consequently, they decide to quit their jobs and stayed at home for the sake of their family. Leaving the financial stress on their husbands. Stay at home moms usually enjoy their status as being house wives and do not crib at the fact that they are staying at home. The children of such stay at home moms are also happy that their mom is staying with them. In the modern society this is a very difficult decision for the mother to leave her job as it put stress on families financially. Thus only when single income parents could manage with their limited income, the mothers could leave their jobs. Currently there are many work at home jobs which are tailor made to serve the stay at home moms so that they also could obtain extra income and they could make use of their spare time. These jobs are usually telecommuting in nature which means that mothers are not expected to go their work place (Bindley 1). As for why they might be happier, the authors theorized, a mothers participation in employment provides her with support and resources that a mother who spends full time at home does not receive. (Bindley 1) The main advantage with stay at home moms is that they are able to take perfect care of their family. The main disadvantage with this system is that such families need to depend on single income which then can put a lot of strain on a relationship between husband and wife. As I grew up my mom was a single parent, until I turned 13 when she met my step-father Grant. She worked, went to nursing school full time, and still managed to find time to make it to all of my sporting games. She also was gone a lot too. This then made me have to raise myself a little bit. My mom never let me go without; I always had what I needed when I needed it. I always said that when I was a parent someday, that I would make sure I could provide for them like she did for me. â€Å"There is nothing I would change about how I did things when you were a child; I made sure you had everything you needed.† (Shumaker) â€Å"Things did get much easier when I met Grant and we put our finances together.† (Shumaker). Now as an adult not only do I make sure my children are taken care of day and night, I also attend school, work part-time, and I find time to spend with my husband. Having a husband is such a big help. Not only for our family financially, but also for my children to have a father, and he helps do things for them when I’m not able to. I was a stay at home mom at one point in my life with our oldest daughter when she was a newborn. It was nice, although I felt like I had no adult interaction. I feel that interaction with other adults is critical to say â€Å"sane†. I never felt pretty because I was always wearing sweatpants, and no make-up. Even if I went out to do grocery shopping and run errands it wasn’t enough adult interaction. Because my husband worked all day he wanted to get things done around the house, and I wanted him to watch the kids so I could go do something by myself. We also didn’t have enough money to do anything, he solely paid the bills. That put a lot of stress on our relationship. I would want to go out to dinner, but we didn’t have the extra money. I realized quickly how much more important it was to work. I know that being there for my children is priority. However, interacting with other adults is also very important. Now that I work and my husband works we have enough money to do fun things with our children when we are not working. We bought a brand new camper to take them camping. It also gives us enough money to go out by ourselves and hire a babysitter for the night. Our lives are much more enjoyable for our children, my husband, and me. Having me work instead of staying at home. I still find time to make healthy dinners, and take care of our children. It has made my marriage stronger and it has made me feel better about myself because I contribute to our bills.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

World Hunger And Poverty In Developing Countries Politics Essay

World Hunger And Poverty In Developing Countries Politics Essay Growing up, the commercials of starving children in Africa in need of food because of rampant starvation and the pervasive threat of death have been streaming on various media. World Hunger is one of the main problems that a large portion of the global population faces today. Hunger varies with severity but in this case it is the want of food in a third world country. World hunger is a problem that has existed for much of our known history; it has faded away from central concerns because it is barely brought up in everyday conversations. World hunger has many aggravating factors and principal causes, such as insufficient economic systems, misinformation, climate changes, etc. But the main debilitating factor is poverty as poverty always has led to people going without regular meals because they cannot afford to eat. There are vast quantities of people in third world nations and developing countries such as Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia that are so impoverished that are in desperate nee d for food. Whether a country is rich or poor, there are always tremendous numbers of people dealing with poverty and hunger. Perhaps most disheartening is the cruel reality that most of the victims are young children. Hunger is a very serious issue that cannot easily be remedied. As a matter of fact, people all over the world mainly concentrated in developing countries die because of hunger and starvation on a daily basis. With the growth of population, the number of hungry people also increases at a disproportionate rate. Unfortunate people go days, even weeks, with no food because of their despairing conditions. A persons body can only survive for so long without proper nutrition. Amazingly, the body can go up to about two to three months without food. Our bodies feed off our muscles and then fat in order to live but after that, there is little to maintain a person. It is at that point that an individuals body shuts down. Without treatment or food, this leads to death. Hunger has persistently remained a serious problem in many developing countries including countries like Kenya, Uganda, and Ethiopia. This is reminiscent of commercials that are shown on TV about children starving that tug on our heartstrings and make us empathize with those less fortunate th an us. Sometimes, it coerces us to donate money to help. After this initial flight of empathy, people soon forget about it. Even though the United States is known for being a rich country, known as the land of plenty, even here we have poverty and starvation. Needless to say, it is not right to sit and watch developing countries suffer. Should the government choose to implement solutions in order to combat world hunger, the number of children and destitute adults starving in undeveloped countries may dwindle significantly. To combat world hunger, we must first consider poverty, the primary cause of these conditions. People in countries are not hungry because there is not enough to go around. Rather, the food available is too costly for the average poor person. But that is not to say that the better off sympathize with the impoverished. In fact, these people tend to believe that the poor are unemployed because they are too lazy or stupid to find jobs, and instead wait for others to simply give them amenities (Hughes, 2006). While this may be true for some, it is not representative of the majority of poverty. It is highly unlikely that poor people simply chose to live their lifestyles with little to go around. In most cases misfortune is thrust upon these people. A prime example of this would be the aftermath of the earthquake that hit Haiti some years ago. Thousands found themselves without homes, without resources and without infrastructure on which to build any wealth. As one can see, this unpredictab le force of nature caused great misfortune without distinction among class, wealth or social status. Consequently, it is asinine for people better off to simply dismiss poverty as a result of laziness or stupidity. Among the impoverished, there is certainly drive and ambition to improve their conditions yet society may not have a place for them. According to the article Feeding the World in the New Millennium, close to 2 billion people in developing countries scrape by on only a dollar or two a day (Pinstrup-Anderson, 2001). It is hard to imagine that this measly amount could suffice for a single meal. While poverty acts as a debilitating factor to the individual, undeveloped and developing countries are stifled in their economic systems as well. Many developing countries lack sufficient trade to promote wealth on any large scale, thus contributing to the hunger problem. Low-income food-deficit countries are those that do not have enough food to feed their populations and for the most part lack the financial resources to pay for imports. FAO defines low-income countries as those with a per capita gross national product (GNP) (in 1993) of US$1,345 or less and a net deficit in grain trade averaged over the preceding five marketing year (Hunger in the Midst of Plenty, 1997, para. 6). Some governments are extremely restricted in the resources they can allot to their citizens while maintaining the bare minimum required to run the country. This scarcity of resources is a major player and the sad truth remains that this contributes to the plague that is hunger. Christensen (1978) shows th at, chronic hunger is caused in poverty which happens when incomes are distributed unequally in countries (p.745) this means that while some are well off even in an undeveloped country, there are multitudes more that go without food. Next, climate change also adds to world hunger. One may wonder how climate changes affect or lead to world hunger. With the amount of rain that a country gets increases, it can potentially lead to serious flooding. This can ruin an entire years harvest, destroying whatever the farmer may have prepared for his family or the market. Flooding detrimentally affects how much food is produced and available to the impoverished and raises the costs of these farm products. This means that the poor can afford even less than they would usually be able to buy. Many people in developing countries depend on farmers in order to survive, so with the weather changing so drastically with each season, it ruins their chances of growing food to either eat or sell. (Climate changes is worsening world hunger, 2013). It makes it hard for them to produce food because of how changes in weather are increasing drastically. Farmers already struggle with growing food, so with the climate changes increasing it is not only affecting them but also affecting their nations economy. The report, released before the G8 meeting in Italy this week, where Barack Obama will chair a session on climate change, warns that without immediate action on climate all the development gains made in 50 years are under threat (Vidal, 2009, Para. 5). This shows that if nothing is done, much of the undeveloped and developing countries will be at risk. Finally another major influence that plays a role in hunger is malnutrition and health. Malnutrition occurs when a persons body receives little or no nutrients. People who are malnourished  get sick more often and as a result in many cases die. According to Muller Krawinkel (2005), Malnutrition is consequently the most important risk factor for the burden of disease in developing countries.  It is the direct cause of about 300,000 deaths per year and is indirectly responsible for about half of all deaths in young children (p. 279) When the individual does not eat a proper meal that provides nutrients and vitamins, it contributes to malnutrition. It not only harms the body but also the mind. Malnutrition also causes an illness called Kwashiorkor in many developing countries, mainly in children. Such a disease occurs when there is not enough protein in a childs diet. According to the Canadian medical association journal, Kwashiorkor usually manifests with edema, changes to hair and skin color, anemia, hepatomegaly, lethargy, severe immune deficiency and early death (Muller Krawinkel, 2005, p.280). When a child is petite with a huge stomach, thats when you know that the child has kwashiorkor. Poor people in developing countries are the ones that are largely affected by this pandemic. They cannot find food to eat and even when they do, they tend to eat whatever, which they are not supposed to eat because it is harmful. The world produces enough food to feed families, but yet people are still starving hunger. Malnutrition is leading cause of a serious number of deaths in developing countries. Actions must be taken because poor nutrition makes an individual prone to disease and often too weak to face their bleak reality. Furthermore, steps should be taken in ending world hunger. This issue has been a dominating problem in developing countries that has distracted these nations from reaching progress in other fields. Already, steps are not enough to alleviate the epidemic that is world hunger. The Pinstrup-Anderson (2001) stated that, one of every five people in the developing world is hungry (P. 24). Every individual at one point has complained about starvation because they have not eaten in perhaps a few hours. These same people have not truly experienced extreme hunger where the person does not have enough nutrients in their body and goes through serious pain. People in developed countries should make an effort to help the poor in developing countries that are in need of serious help. In order to solve this, the reigning governments should offer programs that create better paying jobs that will help low income people have the opportunity to provide food on the table for their families. People in dev eloped countries are notoriously known for wasting huge amounts of food every single day. It is very shocking to see this; citizens tend to get more than they can eat and end up wasting it. In Africa, farmers and citizens of the country lose food because they do not have the proper knowledge growing and managing their crops. They do not go about wasting crop matter because they know it is hard to get some. Food being wasted could feed millions of young children starving in Africa. People in developed countries like Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom waste food too much and it has to stop. In conclusion, world hunger is a problem that should be taken seriously and should be approached with all deliberate and swift policies. There are so many different causes of world hunger but the three main ones are poverty, climate changes, and also weak economies. Families in developing countries are in serious need of help. Developed countries like the United States and Canada should find multifaceted policies to help populations in third world nations. By connecting the farmers in the country to consumers, it could help them be able to provide for their families and also other families that are in need. If finding other solutions to help world hunger is delayed, many people will keep losing their loved ones. People in developing countries cannot solve this by themselves; they need helping hands. Developed countries need to start thinking less of themselves and more of poor people in countries that are struggling. People need to contribute financially to organizations that have be en created to help end hunger. It is a sad reality that a simple meal is what is on the minds of millions around the world, and yet many do not achieve this seemingly simple goal. Yet, it is not just world hunger that is the problem; poverty too feeds this vicious cycle. World hunger is a daily tragedy, one that is capable of remedy through compassion and perseverance.

Friday, October 25, 2019

To Live Through the World of Imagination :: essays research papers

In literature, there are various works that aid children in their developmental progression of life. Children experience stages throughout their development that lead them to the discovery of not only their own needs, but the needs of others too. Many people do not realize the extent of which stories shape the way we think. Stories are particularly effective in influencing the way children think and behave, because they like to hear or read them over and over again. The repetition of these stories combined with a child's imagination makes telling a story one of the best ways to influence their thinking. Two works that indirectly influence a child's way of thinking are Winnie the Pooh by A.A Milne, and Charlotte's Web by E.B White. Each of these books deals with situations involving parent-child relationships, peer group dynamics, and social interactions. Both of these literary works have a major impact on young readers, and each one takes a unique approach in aiding young readers throughout their developing stages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Winnie the Pooh is a collection of stories that deals with the concerns and needs of a growing boy, who is trying to understand how the world and the people in it work. The little boy's name is Christopher Robin. Christopher's father tells his son the stories of Pooh's adventures and interactions with others. In order to truly understand the meaning of this story, one must realize that Winnie the Pooh represents one of the many personalities of Christopher Robin. Just as Piglet, Rabbit, Kanga, Roo, Eeyore, and Owl are also alter egos of him. Each of these characters represents a different feeling or emotion of Christopher Robin, and all of them are designed by the author to fit a certain personality trait that a child can relate to.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Charlotte's Web is the story of a young girl who is in the midst of discovering herself and learning how to be less selfish. Fern is the name of the young girl, and Wilbur is her pig. In this story, Ferns alter ego is Wilbur as well as the Barnyard animals. They represent Fern's inner thoughts and concerns. As in Winnie the Pooh, the characters in Charlotte's Web were also created in such a way that a child could easily relate. Wilbur's actions and thoughts represent Fern's uncontrollable desire to experience something new and invigorating. Fern's concerns are more mature than those of Christopher Robin.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Last Sacrifice Chapter Nineteen

THE VANS PARKED IN A semi-remote part of Court, so seeing the area packed with eager Moroi was quite a shock to Lissa. Guardians moved through the people like ghosts, just as they had at the nomination session, keeping as much order as possible. The crowd kept getting in the way as the vans attempted to reach the garages, and faces looked in the windows, trying to get a glimpse of the royal candidates. Lissa stared at the masses in shock, almost afraid to get out. Ariana gave her a comforting smile. â€Å"This is normal. They all want to know who made it and who didn't. They especially want to know.' She inclined her head toward the front of the van. Peering through the windshield, Lissa spied the other six candidates. Because the forest course could only accommodate so many people, the group had been split in half. The rest of the candidates would take the same test tomorrow and were no doubt curious who among their competitors had passed today. Lissa was used to order and decorum around royals, so she was astonished to see such eagerness and frenzy among them now. And of course, the â€Å"common' Moroi who'd been arriving at Court were mixed into the crowd too. Everyone was pushing, peering over the heads of others to find out what had happened. People were shouting some of the candidates' names, and I was half-surprised they hadn't come up with songs and banners. Lissa and her companions exited the van and were met with a wave of cheers that rippled through the crowd. It became obvious pretty quickly who had passed and who hadn't. This sent the crowd abuzz even more. Lissa stood rooted to the spot, staring around and feeling lost. It was one thing to rationally discuss the pros of her running for queen with her friends. It was an entirely different matter to suddenly be thrust into what the elections truly meant. Her focus had been limited to a few things: my safety, finding the murderer, and surviving the tests. Now, as she took in the crowd, she realized the election was bigger than her, bigger than anything she could have imagined. For these people, it wasn't a joke. It wasn't a scam to twist the law and stall for time. Their lives were figuratively on the line. Moroi and dhampirs lived inside various countries and obeyed those laws, but they also obeyed this government, the one that operated out of the Court. It reached around the world and affected every dhampir and Moroi who chose to stay in our society. We had some voting, yes, but the king or queen shaped our futures. The guardians in charge of the crowds finally gave the okay for family members to push through the masses and collect their nominees. Lissa had no one. Both Janine and Eddie–despite earlier claims–were occasionally given temporary tasks that prevented them from being with Lissa 24/7, and she certainly had no family to come for her. Adrift, she felt dizzy in the chaos, still stunned by her moment of clarity. Conflicting emotions warred within her. Deceiving everyone made her feel unworthy, like she should resign her candidacy right now. At the same time, she suddenly wanted to be worthy of the elections. She wanted to hold her head high and walk into the tests proudly, even if she was taking them for ulterior motives. A strong hand at last caught hold of her arm. Christian. â€Å"Come on. Let's get out of here.' He pulled her away, shouldering through the onlookers. â€Å"Hey,' he called to a couple guardians on the crowd's periphery. â€Å"A little help here for the princess?' It was the first time I had ever seen him act like a royal, throwing around the authority of his bloodline. To me, he was snarky, cynical Christian. In Moroi society, at eighteen, he could now technically be addressed as Lord Ozera. I'd forgotten that. The two guardians hadn't. They rushed to Lissa's side, helping Christian part the crowd. The faces around her were a blur, the noise a dull roar. Yet, every once in a while, something would come through to her. The chanting of her name. Declarations about the return of the dragon, which was the symbol of the Dragomir family. This is real, she kept thinking. This is real. The guardians efficiently led her out of it all and back across the Court's grounds to her building. They released her once they considered her safe, and she graciously thanked them for their help. When she and Christian were in her room, she sank onto the bed, stunned. â€Å"Oh my God,' she said. â€Å"That was insane.' Christian smiled. â€Å"Which part? Your welcome home party? Or the test itself? You look like you just †¦ well, I'm not really sure what you just did.' Lissa took a quick survey of herself. They'd given her dry towels on the ride home, but her clothing was still damp and was wrinkling as it dried. Her shoes and jeans had mud all over them, and she didn't even want to think about what her hair looked like. â€Å"Yeah, we–‘ The words stuck on her tongue–and not because she suddenly decided not to tell him. â€Å"I can't say,' she murmured. â€Å"It really worked. The spell won't let me.' â€Å"What spell?' he asked. Lissa rolled up her sleeve and lifted the bandage to show him the tiny tattooed dot on her arm. â€Å"It's a compulsion spell so I won't talk about the test. Like the Alchemists have.' â€Å"Wow,' he said, truly impressed. â€Å"I never actually thought those worked.' â€Å"I guess so. It's really weird. I want to talk about it, but I just †¦ cant.' â€Å"Its okay,' he said, brushing some of her damp hair aside. â€Å"You passed. That's what matters. Just focus on that.' â€Å"The only thing I want to focus on right now is a shower–which is kind of ironic, considering how soaked I am.' She didn't move, though, and instead stared off at the far wall. â€Å"Hey,' said Christian gently. â€Å"What's wrong? Did the crowd scare you?' She turned back to him. â€Å"No, that's the thing. I mean, they were intimidating, yeah. But I just realized †¦ I don't know. I realized I'm part of a major process, one that's gone on since–‘ â€Å"The beginning of time?' teased Christian, quoting Nathan's nonsensical statement. â€Å"Nearly,' she answered, with a small smile that soon faded. â€Å"This goes beyond tradition, Christian. The elections are a core part of our society. Ingrained. We can talk about changing age laws or fighting or whatever, but this is ancient. And far-reaching. Those people out there? They're not all Americans. They've come from other countries. I forget sometimes that even though the Court is here, it rules Moroi everywhere. What happens here affects the whole world.' â€Å"Where are you going with this?' he asked. She was lost in her own thoughts and couldn't see Christian as objectively as I could. He knew Lissa. He understood her and loved her. The two of them had a synchronicity similar to what Dimitri and I shared. Sometimes, however, Lissa's thoughts spun in directions he couldn't guess. He'd never admit it, but I knew part of why he loved her was that–unlike me, who everyone knew was impetuous–Lissa always seemed the picture of calmness and rationality. Then, she'd do something totally unexpected. Those moments delighted him–but sometimes scared him because he never knew just how much a role spirit was playing in her actions. Now was one of those times. He knew the elections were stressing her, and like me, he knew that could bring out the worst. â€Å"I'm going to take these tests seriously,' she said. â€Å"It's–it's shameful not to. An insult to our society. My ultimate goal is to find out who framed Rose, but in the meantime? I'm going to go through the trials like someone who intends to be queen.' Christian hesitated before speaking, a rarity for him. â€Å"Do you want to be queen?' That snapped Lissa from her dreamy philosophizing about tradition and honor. â€Å"No! Of course not. I'm eighteen. I can't even drink yet.' â€Å"That's never stopped you from doing it,' he pointed out, becoming more like his usual self. â€Å"I'm serious! I want to go to college. I want Rose back. I don't want to rule the Moroi nation.' A sly look lit Christian's blue eyes. â€Å"You know, Aunt Tasha makes jokes about how you'd actually be a better queen than the others, except sometimes †¦ I don't think she's joking.' Lissa groaned and stretched back on the bed. â€Å"I love her, but we've got to keep her in check. If anyone could actually get that law changed, it would be her and her activist friends.' â€Å"Well, don't worry. The thing about her â€Å"activist friends' is that they have so much to protest, they don't usually get behind one thing at the same time.' Christian stretched out beside her and pulled her close. â€Å"But for what it's worth, I think you'd be a great queen too, Princess Dragomir.' â€Å"You're going to get dirty,' she warned. â€Å"Already am. Oh, you mean from your clothes?' He wrapped his arms around her, heedless of her damp and muddy state. â€Å"I spent most of my childhood hiding in a dusty attic and own exactly one dress shirt. You really think I care about this T-shirt?' She laughed and then kissed him, letting her mind free itself of worry for a moment and just savor the feel of his lips. Considering they were on a bed, I wondered if it was time for me to go. After several seconds, she pulled back and sighed contentedly. â€Å"You know, sometimes I think I love you.' â€Å"Sometimes?' he asked in mock outrage. She ruffled his hair. â€Å"All the time. But I've got to keep you on your toes.' â€Å"Consider me kept.' He brought his lips toward hers again but stopped when a knock sounded at the door. Lissa pulled back from the near-kiss, but neither of them broke from the embrace. â€Å"Don't answer,' said Christian. Lissa frowned, peering toward the living room. She slipped out of his arms, stood up, and walked toward the door. When she was several feet from it, she nodded knowingly. â€Å"It's Adrian.' â€Å"More reason not to answer,' said Christian. Lissa ignored him and opened the door, and sure enough, my devil-may-care boyfriend stood there. From behind Lissa, I heard Christian say, â€Å"Worst. Timing. Ever.' Adrian studied Lissa and then looked at Christian sprawling on the bed on the far side of the suite. â€Å"Huh,' Adrian said, letting himself in. â€Å"So that's how you're going to fix the family problem. Little Dragomirs. Good idea.' Christian sat up and strolled toward them. â€Å"Yeah, that's exactly it. You're interrupting official Council business.' Adrian was dressed casually for him, jeans and a black T-shirt, though he made it look like designer clothing. Actually, it probably was. God, I missed him. I missed them all. â€Å"What's going on?' asked Lissa. While Christian seemed to consider Adrian's arrival a personal offense, Lissa knew that Adrian wouldn't be here without a good reason– especially this early in the Moroi day. Although he had on his normal lazy smile, there was an excited and eager glitter in his aura. He had news. â€Å"I've got him,' said Adrian. â€Å"Got him trapped.' â€Å"Who?' asked Lissa, startled. â€Å"That idiot Blake Lazar.' â€Å"What do you mean trapped?' asked Christian, as perplexed as Lissa. â€Å"Did you set out a bear trap on the tennis courts or something?' â€Å"I wish. He's over at the Burning Arrow. I just bought another round, so he should still be there if we hurry. He thinks I went out for a cigarette.' Judging from the scent wreathing Adrian, Lissa had a feeling he actually had been out for a cigarette. And likely shared in the round. â€Å"You've been at a bar this early?' Adrian shrugged. â€Å"It's not early for humans.' â€Å"But you're not–‘ â€Å"Come on, cousin.' Adrian's aura didn't have the muted colors of someone who was completely drunk, but yes, he'd definitely had a few drinks. â€Å"If pretty boy Ambrose was right about Aunt Tatiana, then this guy can tell us the names of other jealous women.' â€Å"Why didn't you ask him yourself?' asked Christian. â€Å"Because me asking about my aunt's sex life would be sick and wrong,' said Adrian. â€Å"Whereas Blake will be more than happy to talk to our charming princess here.' Lissa really wanted her bed, but finding out anything to help me sparked a new rush of energy within her. â€Å"Okay, let me at least get some different clothes and brush my hair.' While she was changing in the bathroom, she heard Adrian say to Christian, â€Å"You know, your shirt's kind of grungy-looking. Seems like you could put in a little more effort since you're dating a princess.' Fifteen minutes or so later, the threesome were on their way across Court to a tucked away bar inside an administrative building. I'd been there before and had originally thought it was a weird place to house a bar. But, after a recent stint of filing, I'd decided that if I were doing office work for living, I'd probably want a quick source of alcohol on hand, too. The bar was dimly lit, both for mood and Moroi comfort. Adrian's joking aside, it really was early for Moroi, and only a couple patrons were there. Adrian made a small gesture to the bartender, which I presumed was some kind of ordering signal because the woman immediately turned and began pouring a drink. â€Å"Hey, Ivashkov! Where'd you go?' A voice called over to Lissa and the others, and after a few moments, she spotted a lone guy sitting at a corner table. As Adrian led them closer, Lissa saw that the guy was young–about Adrian's age, with curly black hair and brilliant teal eyes, kind of like Abe's recent tie. It was as though someone had taken the stunning color of both Adrian and Christian's eyes and mixed them together. He had a leanly muscled body–about as buff as any Moroi could manage–and, even with a boyfriend, Lissa could admire how hot he was. â€Å"To get better-looking company,' replied Adrian, pulling out a chair. The Moroi then noticed Adrian's companions and jumped up. He caught hold of Lissa's hand, leaned over, and kissed it. â€Å"Princess Dragomir. It's an honor to meet you at last. Seeing you from a distance was beautiful. Up close? Divine.' â€Å"This,' said Adrian grandly, â€Å"is Blake Lazar.' â€Å"It's nice to meet you,' she said. Blake smiled radiantly. â€Å"May I call you Vasilisa?' â€Å"You can call me Lissa.' â€Å"You can also,' added Christian, â€Å"let go of her hand now.' Blake looked over at Christian, taking a few more moments to release Lissa's hand– seeming very proud about those extra seconds. â€Å"I've seen you too. Ozera. Crispin, right?' â€Å"Christian,' corrected Lissa. â€Å"Right.' Blake pulled out a chair, still playing the over-the-top gentleman. â€Å"Please. Join us.' He made no such offer to Christian, who went out of his way to sit close to Lissa. â€Å"What would you like to drink? It's on me.' â€Å"Nothing,' said Lissa. The bartender appeared just then, bringing Adrian's drink and another for Blake. â€Å"Never too early. Ask Ivashkov. You drink as soon as you roll out of bed, right?' â€Å"There's a bottle of scotch right on my nightstand,' said Adrian, still keeping his tone light. Lissa opened her eyes to his aura. It bore the bright gold all spirit users had, still muddled slightly from alcohol. It also had the faintest tinge of red–not true anger, but definite annoyance. Lissa recalled that neither Adrian nor Ambrose had had a good opinion of this Blake guy. â€Å"So what brings you and Christopher here?' asked Blake. He finished a glass of something amber colored and set it down beside the new drink. â€Å"Christian,' said Christian. â€Å"We were talking about my aunt earlier,' said Adrian. Again, he managed to sound very conversational, but no matter how much he might want to clear my name, delving into the details of Tatiana's murder obviously bothered him. Blake's smile diminished a little. â€Å"How depressing. For both of you.' That was directed to Adrian and Lissa. Christian might as well have not existed. â€Å"Sorry about Hathaway too,' he added to Lissa alone. â€Å"I've heard how upset you've been. Who'd have seen that coming?' Lissa realized he was referring to how she'd been pretending to be angry and hurt by me. â€Å"Well,' she said bitterly. â€Å"I guess you just don't know people. There were a million clues beforehand. I just didn't pay attention.' â€Å"You must be upset too,' said Christian. â€Å"We heard you and the queen were kind of close.' Blake's grin returned. â€Å"Yeah †¦ we knew each other pretty well. I'm going to miss her. She might have seemed cold to some people, but believe me, she knew how to have a good time.' Blake glanced at Adrian. â€Å"You must have known that.' â€Å"Not in the way you did.' Adrian paused to take a sip of his own drink. I think he needed it to restrain any snippy remarks, and honestly, I didn't begrudge him it. I actually admired his self-control. If I'd been in his place, I would have long since punched Blake. â€Å"Or Ambrose.' Blake's pretty smile transformed into a full-fledged scowl. â€Å"Him? That blood whore? He didn't deserve to be in her presence. I can't even believe they let him stay at Court.' â€Å"He actually thinks you killed the queen.' Lissa then added hastily, â€Å"Which is ridiculous when all the evidence proves Rose did it.' Those hadn't been Ambrose's exact words, but she wanted to see if she could elicit a reaction. She did. â€Å"He thinks what?' Yes. Definitely no smile now. Without it, Blake suddenly didn't seem as good-looking as earlier. â€Å"That lying bastard! I have an alibi, and he knows it. He's just pissed off because she liked me better.' â€Å"Then why'd she keep him around?' asked Christian, face almost angelic. â€Å"Weren't you enough?' Blake fixed him with a glare while finishing the new drink in nearly one gulp. Almost by magic, the bartender appeared with another. Blake nodded his thanks before continuing. â€Å"Oh, I was more than enough. More than enough for a dozen women, but I didn't fool around on the side like he did.' Adrian's expression was growing increasingly pained at each mention of Tatiana's sex life. Still, he played his role. â€Å"I suppose you're talking about Ambrose's other girl- friends? † â€Å"Yup. But â€Å"girl' is kind of extreme. They were all older, and honestly, I think they paid him. Not that your mom needed to pay anyone,' added Blake. â€Å"I mean, she's actually pretty hot. But you know, she couldn't really be with him in any real way.' It seemed to take all of them a moment to follow what Blake was alluding to. Adrian caught on first. â€Å"What did you just say?' â€Å"Oh.' Blake looked legitimately surprised, but it was hard to say if it was an act. â€Å"I thought you knew. Your mom and Ambrose †¦ well, who could blame her? With your dad? Though just between you and me, I think she could have done better.' Blake's tone implied exactly whom he thought Daniella could have done better with. In Lissa's vision, Adrian's aura flared red. â€Å"You son of a bitch!' Adrian was not the fighting type, but there was a first time for everything–and Blake had just crossed a serious line. â€Å"My mom was not cheating on my dad. And even if she was †¦ she sure as hell wouldn't have to pay for it.' Blake didn't seem fazed, but maybe things would have been different if Adrian actually had hit him. Lissa rested her hand on Adrian's arm and squeezed it gently. â€Å"Easy,' she murmured. I felt the smallest tingle of calming compulsion move from her into him. Adrian recognized it immediately and pulled his arm back, giving her a look that said he didn't appreciate her â€Å"help.' â€Å"I thought you didn't like your dad,' said Blake, utterly clueless that his news might be upsetting. â€Å"And besides, don't get all pissy at me. I wasn't sleeping with her. I'm just telling you what I heard. Like I said, if you want to start accusing random people, go after someone like Ambrose.' Lissa jumped in to keep Adrian from saying anything. â€Å"How many women? Do you know who else he was involved with?' â€Å"Three others.' Blake ticked off names on his hand. â€Å"Marta Drozdov and Mirabel Conta. Wait. That's two. I was thinking with Daniella; that's three. But then, that's four with the queen. Yeah, four.' Lissa didn't concern herself with Blake's faulty math skills, though it did support Adrian's previous â€Å"idiot' claims. Marta Drozdov was a semi-notorious royal who had taken to traveling the world in her old age. By Lissa's estimation, Marta was hardly in the U.S. most of the year, let alone Court. She didn't seem invested enough to murder Tatiana. As for Mirabel Conta †¦ she was notorious in a different way. She was known for sleeping with half the guys at Court, married or otherwise. Lissa didn't know her well, but Mirabel had never seemed overly interested in any one guy. â€Å"Sleeping with other women wouldn't really give him a motive for killing the queen,' pointed out Lissa. â€Å"No,' agreed Blake. â€Å"Like I said, it's obvious that Hathaway girl did it.' He paused. â€Å"Damned shame too. She's pretty hot. God, that body. Anyway, if Ambrose had killed her, he'd have done it because he was jealous of me, because Tatiana liked me better. Not because of all those other women he was doing.' â€Å"Why wouldn't Ambrose just kill you?' asked Christian. â€Å"Makes more sense.' Blake didn't have a chance to respond because Adrian was still back on the earlier topic, his eyes flashing with anger. â€Å"My mother wasn't sleeping with anybody. She doesn't even sleep with my father.' Blake continued in his oblivious way. â€Å"Hey, I saw them. They were all over each other. Did I mention how hot your–‘ â€Å"Stop it,' warned Lissa. â€Å"It's not helping.' Adrian clenched his glass. â€Å"None of this is helping!' Clearly, things weren't going the way he'd hoped when he'd first summoned Lissa and Christian from her room. â€Å"And I'm not going to sit and listen to this bullshit.' Adrian downed the drink and shot up from his chair, turning abruptly for the exit. He tossed some cash on the bar before walking out the door. â€Å"Poor guy,' said Blake. He was back to his calm, arrogant self. â€Å"He's been through a lot between his aunt, mom, and murdering girlfriend. That's why really, at the end of the day, you just can't trust women.' He winked at Lissa. â€Å"Present company excluded, of course.' Lissa felt as disgusted as Adrian, and a quick glance at Christian's stormy face showed he felt the same. It was time to go before someone really did punch Blake. â€Å"Well, it's been great talking to you, but we need to go.' Blake gave her puppy-dog eyes. â€Å"But you just got here! I was hoping we could get to know each other.' It went without saying what he meant by that. â€Å"Oh. And Kreskin too.' Christian didn't even bother with a correction this time. He simply took hold of Lissa's hand. â€Å"We have to go.' â€Å"Yeah,' agreed Lissa. Blake shrugged and waved for another drink. â€Å"Well, any time you want to really experience the world, come find me.' Christian and Lissa headed for the door, with Christian muttering, â€Å"I really hope that last part was meant for you, not me.' â€Å"That's no world I want to experience,' said Lissa with a grimace. They stepped outside, and she glanced around, in case Adrian had lingered. Nope. He was gone, and she didn't blame him. â€Å"I can see now why Ambrose and Adrian don't like him. He's such a †¦' â€Å"Asshole?' supplied Christian. They turned toward her building. â€Å"I suppose so.' â€Å"Enough to commit murder?' â€Å"Honestly? No.' Lissa sighed. â€Å"I kind of agree with Ambrose †¦ I don't think Blake's smart enough for murder. Or that the motive's really there. I can't tell if people are lying or not from their auras, but his didn't reveal anything overly dishonest. You joked, but if anyone was going to commit a jealous murder, why wouldn't the guys want to kill each other? A lot easier.' â€Å"They did both have easy access to Tatiana,' Christian reminded her. â€Å"I know. But if there is love and sex involved here †¦ it seems like it'd be someone jealous of the queen. A woman.' A long, meaningful pause hung between them, neither of them wanting to say what they were both likely thinking. Finally, Christian broke the silence. â€Å"Say, like, Daniella Ivashkov?' Lissa shook her head. â€Å"I can't believe that. She doesn't seem like the type.' â€Å"Murderers never seem like the type. That's why they get away with it.' â€Å"Have you been studying up on your criminology or something? † â€Å"No.' They reached her building's front door, and he opened it for Lissa. â€Å"Just laying out some facts. We know Adrian's mom never liked Tatiana for personality reasons. Now we find out that they were sharing the same guy.' â€Å"She has an alibi,' said Lissa stonily. â€Å"Everyone has an alibi,' he reminded her. â€Å"And as we've learned, those can be paid for. In fact, Daniella's already paid for one.' â€Å"I still can't believe it. Not without more proof. Ambrose swore this was more political than personal.' â€Å"Ambrose isn't off the list either.' They came to Lissa's room. â€Å"This is harder than I thought it would be.' They went inside, and Christian wrapped his arms around her. â€Å"I know. But we'll do it together. We'll figure it out. But †¦ we might want to keep some of this to ourselves. Maybe I'm overreacting here, but I think it'd be best if we don't ever, ever tell Adrian his mom has an excellent motive for having killed his aunt.' â€Å"Oh, you think?' She rested her head against his chest and yawned. â€Å"Naptime,' said Christian, leading her toward the bed. â€Å"I still need a shower.' â€Å"Sleep first. Shower later.' He pulled back the covers. â€Å"I'll sleep with you.' â€Å"Sleep or sleep?' she asked dryly, sliding gratefully into bed. â€Å"Real sleep. You need it.' He crawled in beside her, spooning against her and resting his face on her shoulder. â€Å"Of course, afterward, if you want to conduct any official Council business †¦' â€Å"I swear, if you say â€Å"Little Dragomirs,' you can sleep in the hall.' I'm sure there was a patented Christian retort coming, but another knock cut him off. He looked up in exasperation. â€Å"Don't answer it. For real this time.' But Lissa couldn't help herself. She broke from his embrace and climbed out of bed. â€Å"Its not Adrian †¦' â€Å"Then it's probably not important,' said Christian. â€Å"We don't know that.'She got up and opened the door, revealing–my mother. Janine Hathaway swept into the room as casually as Adrian had, her eyes sharp as she studied every detail around her for a threat. â€Å"Sorry I was away,' she told Lissa. â€Å"Eddie and I wanted to set up an alternating system, but we both got pulled for duty earlier.' She glanced over at the rumpled bed, with Christian in it, but being who she was, she came to a pragmatic conclusion, not a romantic one. â€Å"Just in time. I figured you'd want to sleep after the test. Don't worry–I'll keep watch and make sure nothing happens.' Christian and Lissa exchanged rueful looks. â€Å"Thanks,' said Lissa.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cutting Up Morals essays

Cutting Up Morals essays Dissection should not be introduced in the lower education levels. It can damage personal morals of young developing minds, isnt good for the creatures involved, and is senseless since there are now several alternatives just as educational. It is also something that can affect every person differently and should not be part of a regular curriculum. Students who do wish to dissect as training for a future career should only be able to do so in higher education when they are old enough to really know what would be okay for them, not as immature students in high school or middle school. As children, everyone is brought up with some form of morals. They are taught to respect life and not to take it for granted. What happens when you take a middle or high school student, who happens to be but a child, with these morals fresh in their minds and shove a once breathing, life-filled creature surrounded with the cringing aroma of formaldehyde in front of their face? Then a razor is placed in their hand. This can leave any humane person confused. I remember being forced to dissect a pregnant rat in 9th grade. All the kids were playing around and cutting off the tails to learn of its value. I sat horrified as my science teacher grasped the frail bodies of three fetal mice, pulling the leg off of one. She simply stated oops like it was no big deal that four lives were just stripped helplessly from this earth. No one learned anything from this. Every single student failed the test and final exam over the anatomy of the rat. All they learned was that it was ok to cut up a mous es tail and disrespect death. This could be where the corruption of serial killers and such possibly evolve. Now, I am not saying that this is really how it always works, but whos to say it couldnt? Where do these animals come from anyway? The millions of frogs, rats, infant pigs, and cats could come from ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Basics of Narrative Voice

The Basics of Narrative Voice The Basics of Narrative Voice â€Å"Narrative† refers to how a story is told. A â€Å"narrative voice,† then, is a voice that tells a story. This makes it important for authors to understand the basics! In this post, therefore, we’re looking at key aspects of narrative voice. Grammatical Person One key element of narrative voice is point of view. This is reflected in the grammatical person used. In most narrative writing, this will either be first person or third person: First-person narration tells a story from the point of view of the narrator (i.e., using â€Å"I† or â€Å"we† pronouns). This will often be the main character in the story, but it could also be someone else recalling what they witnessed or a story they heard. In third-person narration, the narrator isn’t the main focus of the story. They may be part of the story, such as an onlooker giving their version of events. But a third-person narrator may also be the disembodied voice of the â€Å"author† telling the story. Either way, they refer to characters with third-person pronouns such as â€Å"he,† â€Å"she,† and â€Å"they,† but not â€Å"I† or â€Å"we.† While not impossible, it is unusual to use the second person in narration. This is because it involves addressing the reader directly, as if you were telling a story about the person reading it! What Does the Narrator Know? A narrator can be either limited or omniscient. A limited narrator knows only what they would know within the bounds of the story (e.g., a character recounting their version of events). An omniscient narrator knows everything that is happening in the world of the story. First-person narrators are usually limited since first-person narration is subjective. But third-person narrators can be either limited or omniscient depending on their relation to the story itself. Narrative Reliability Another element of narration is how trustworthy the narrative voice is. A reliable narrator provides a straightforward, credible account of events. An unreliable narrator, on the other hand, tells a story that should not be taken at face value. This may be because the narrator is lying, misinformed, or even insane. The point of this is to: Make the reader question what they are being told Show the reader something about the narrator For example, an unreliable narrator may be trying to persuade the reader to sympathize with an unsympathetic character, such as Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. Or it can be used to show us how the world appears to the narrator, such as in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, where the story is told from the point of view of an autistic child. Both good books, albeit in very different ways. Combining These Elements in Narrative Voice You can combine the elements above in various ways. As mentioned, for example, a third person narrator can be either limited or omniscient. You can also use different narrative voices in different parts of a story. Try experimenting with telling your story in different ways. They key is finding a voice that works for you. To work out what type of narration to use: Think about what you want to reader to feel and think as they read Consider how you want the reader to relate to the narrator Work out what type of voice will let you achieve this Whatever   you choose to do, though, remember that narrative voice is an essential part of storytelling.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What role did the BEF play in the failure of the Schlieffen plan

What role did the BEF play in the failure of the Schlieffen plan The British expeditionary force or the BEF became involved in the war because of Belgium. The Germans decided to go through Belgium as part of the Schlieffen plan, and though they knew that the British might become involved they didn't think that they would and they also felt they didn't need to fear the tiny British force.The Schlieffen plan expected the Belgians to give in when the Germans marched through the country. However they instead fought the Germans and though they wee massively outnumbered the resistance brought time for the British and French to get their troops in to the war to help Belgium. The French were fighting the war on another front so the main force with the Belgium's was British. This force can quite possibly be said to be key to the failure of the Schlieffen plan as although they were hugely outnumbered they combined with the Belgium's slowed the Germans down enough that the 6-week period the Germans had allocated to take France was impossible to achieve.Map o f Western front (World war I) 1914 (ru)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discuss whether the division between virtual and real is becoming more Essay

Discuss whether the division between virtual and real is becoming more blurred through the use of augmented reality - Essay Example It is a part of common sense that we rarely can view it. It is an idea according to which each individual has a mind. The constituents of the mind include faiths, apprehensions, anticipations, motivations, yearnings, etc. The continuity of our minds is the source of our personality and identity as individuals. In the past couple of centuries we have also become convinced that this common-sense psychology is rooted in the brain. These mental conditions and occurrences are somehow going on in the neurophysiological systems of the brain. So this leaves us with two stages at which we can illustrate and elaborate human beings: a level of common-sense psychology, which seems to operate well enough in practice although not scientific; and a level of neurophysiology, which is definitely scientific. However, the most modern specialists know very little about the level of neurophysiology (Searle, 2007, p. 1). What we call minds are merely very complicated digital computer programs. Mental states are only computer states and mental procedures are computational systems. Any process whatever that had the correct program, with the correct input and output, would have to have mental conditions and systems in the same literal sense that we do. The programs in question are "self-modifying" or "self-structuring" "systems of representations" (Searle, 2007, p. 2; Calvin, 1987). The fast progress of computers may indicate the possibility of these machines replacing human brain and emulate human intelligence. It is apparent that at least some human mental capabilities are algorithmic. It follows that a person could not find out that the brain or anything else was inherently a digital computer. A person can allocate a computational interpretation to it. Some physical arrangements make possible the computational application much better than others. That is why we put

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Decline of the Educational System in Harlem, NY Essay

The Decline of the Educational System in Harlem, NY - Essay Example The Jim Crow legislation, which was rampant in the South, widened the education gap between the blacks and the whites, which had adverse effects to the education system. The public education system did not serve the needs of the blacks adequately which worsened the problems experienced by the blacks (West 287). For example, the schools in the South Carolina became more overcrowded, the teachers were not paid well, and many of the teachers were not qualified. In addition, possessing education in the South did not guarantee the blacks with jobs and was difficult to gain high school status and earn respect for the knowledge gained in the education system. The emergence of trade schools provided the blacks with the training in fields such as millinery and sewing. Other schools, which underwent the renaissance time include the Bronx Community Chatter School, Fausset Districts Schools and Queen Metro High School. Harlem Renaissance came into the end in the 1930s as the Harlem artists and i ntellectuals drifted to other opportunities (Coy 124). Because of the prevalence of the racial segregation against the African American students, the Harlem students could not access the education they needed in order to have a substantial participation in the country affairs. In Harlem schools, the students performed dismally due to the low educational standards in schools. The government did little on the provision of the necessary infrastructure to facilitate the learning process (West 287). The education system denied the Harlem students to join decent jobs, participation in the nation’s economic and political affairs, and fight for a fair society. The education system in Harlem is often one, which does not provide students with adequate knowledge as resources in these schools are scarce compared to the students on other regions. The inadequate resources have made the students to score poorly. Consequently, the Harlem schools always post low grades during the internal exa ms and the national exams. The students often score poorly in mathematics and science subjects. For example, the score in mathematics is as low as below 30%. This has been linked to poor infrastructure, and inadequate staff because of understaffing by the government, as the priority of teacher allocation by the government is not in Harlem schools. The rate of drop out in the Harlem schools is high as 26.3% of the total number of the students drops out during their high and lower schools levels. The number of students who proceed to the tertiary level is extremely small. On average, 8% of the total students who started in lower classes join colleges and universities and are because high rate drop out the educational process (West 287). The teacher training is still poor and most of the teachers in the Harlem schools are untrained, thus making them inefficient in presenting the content to learners, thus low performance. The principle of the District-bargained contracts with the teache r unions has led to decrease in employment and sustaining highly motivated teachers. The high rate drop out has also affected the number of students who graduate from the colleges ad the universities. This means that the students of the African American in Harlem schools ar

Strategic leadership in a changing world Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic leadership in a changing world - Essay Example In this regard, while the classical approach to strategic management remains a highly relevant issue, it is through aligning the goals and vision of the business with the changes in the competition, market, and global society that the company is able to truly thrive in its industry. In this light, I wish to divide my discussion into four basic parts. The first part will be devoted for a short review on the unchanging relevance of formulating business strategy. To further deepen the discussion, I intend to infuse Michael Porter’s lectures on competitive advantage and its role in ensuring a strong positioning in the industry. The second part will widen the definitions of business strategy by introducing the concepts of internal and external stakeholders; of current, competitive, and emerging markets; and of cultural and socio-political environments. The last part will then focus on the individual understanding of the two authors on the need for an innovative and creative workfor ce. This part, specifically, will bolster on: (1) the role of inspiring and highly-motivating leaders; and (2) the concept of effective communication as the fuel for big changes in the company. ... Through this definition, we are able to highlight the two crucial concepts in strategic management. The first banks on the process of analyzing the company’s values, mission, and vision; of leaders creating strategic decisions on its overarching business goals based on an in-depth understanding of its internal structure and a holistic view of the industry where it participates in; and of specific business units taking actions as summarized in the company’s business strategy (Gregory et. al, 2005). On the other hand, the second concept deals with the need to outperform the competition. Michael Porter echoes this position as he discusses strategic management as primarily aimed at radically differentiating one’s company from its competitors in a manner that is sustainable and ‘copy-proof’ (Porter, n.d.). To Jorgensen (2008), however, Michael Porter’s main perspective on strategic management as creating differentiated positioning must not be divor ced from the ideas of understanding the dynamics of the industry and the development of a lasting competitive advantage. In this regard, it can be claimed that Porter’s work entitled Competitive Strategy (1980) has provided significant teachings on the rationale behind knowing one’s industry well. In this work, not only did Porter integrate the concepts of micro- and macro-economics in the management of businesses, he was also able to introduce the forces that shape the nature of one’s industry. Popularly named The Five Forces, Porter was able to not only highlight the status of competition, as well as the strengths of buyers and suppliers in assessing the viability of securing a strong position in the industry, he was also able to reinforce the emerging significance of barriers to entry and threats of

Modern finance assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Modern finance - Assignment Example The formula is structured this way in order to make its analysis easier and more standardized. c. The investor in this case, by applying the model, understands the non feasibility of exercising the call option, since the price of the asset is lower than the strike price of 110. Question 2 a. Re = Ra + D/E(Ra-Rd) Firm A: 14% + 0.4(14%-9%) = 0.16 or 16% Firm B: 14% + 0.5(14%-9%) = 0.165 or 16.5% The return to equity represents the return required by shareholders. In this scenario, with all other factors constant, as the Debt to Equity ratios only differ, the results show that for Firm B, the shareholders require a 0.5% higher return than Firm A shareholders, due to the higher leverage. b. given the data, we also know that Risk = variance = w^2(a)*sigma(a)^2 + w(b)^2*sigma(b)^2 + 2w(a)w(b)*p*sigma(a)*sigma(b) i. 0.52*0.052 + 0.52*0.062 + (2*0.5*0.5*1*0.05*0.06) = 0.00303 Std dev = 5.5% ii. 0.52*0.052 + 0.52*0.062 + (2*0.5*0.5*-1*0.05*0.06) = 0.00003 Std dev = 0.5% iii. 0.52*0.052 + 0.52 *0.062 + (2*0.5*0.5*0.5*0.05*0.06) = 0.00228 Std dev = 4.77% c. ... Risk averse investors will usually never invest in risky assets and will play it safe. This means they will remain on or close to the Y axis of the graph below, taking on minimal or no risk and earning a low return. Investors with higher risk preferences will balance their portfolios with risky and risk free assets to achieve an optimal balanced portfolio which offers a return in line with risks. Their goal will be to reach the efficient frontier as shown below in the graph. Adding a risk free asset to a risk averse investors portfolio will not affect his return much. However, doing the same with a risk taking investor may reduce the return earned by the portfolio. As money used in the risk free asset could otherwise be utilized in higher risky assets to obtain a higher return. References Botkin, S. C. (2007). Lower your taxes-big time! : wealth-building, tax reduction secrets from an IRS insider. New York, McGraw-Hill. Chriss, N. (1997). Black-Scholes and beyond option pricing model s. New York, McGraw-Hill. JA?GER, C., & BO?Ckhaus, C. F. (2011). The Black & Scholes formula and resulting advancements derivation and interpretation with special focus on the validity of the underlying assumptions. Aachen, Shaker. Siegel, J. G., Shim, J. K., Hartman, S., & Siegel, J. G. (1998). Schaum's quick guide to business formulas 201 decision-making tools for business, finance, and accounting students. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Depression and Amputees Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Depression and Amputees - Research Paper Example 4): Persistent sadness, anxiousness, or feeling of â€Å"emptiness† Sense of hopelessness and/or pessimism Perception of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness Irritability and restlessness Absence of interest in activities and hobbies (including sex) Problems in concentration, remembering, and in making decisions Insomnia, wakefulness, or excessive sleeping Overeating or loss of appetite Suicidal tendencies and thoughts Pains, aches, cramps, headaches, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment The National Institute of Mental Health emphasized that not all people with depression experience all the symptoms of depression. Further, depression can be major depressive disorder, dysthymia, psychotic, or seasonal (p. 3). The World Health Organization classified depression as â€Å"among the most disabling clinical diagnoses in the world, estimated to affect nearly 340 million people worldwide, and 18 million people in the United States at any one time† (Grede n, 2001, p. 5). Taking self-concept as a possible determinant of depression among the handicapped, Akram and Naseem (2010) investigated the level of self-concept among handicapped persons. The researchers used sample sizes derived through stratified sampling to limit possible error at 5%. They found that self concept â€Å"depends upon age, gender, occupation, and education level† (Akram and Naseem, 2010, p. 84). The researchers reached the conclusion based on their interpretation of one and two-sample t-tests, Chi-square tests, and test of significance of the correlation coefficients. In contrast, Mozumdar et al. (2010) investigated whether depression among persons with lower extremity amputation (LEA) is really higher than the general population. The investigators found that â€Å"the depression levels of the LEA also were not associated to most of the physical health factor† (Mozumdar et al., 2010, p. 887). The Mozumdar et al. (2010) conclusion was based on a sample of 85 amputees out of an original target of 1,000 amputees. A low sample was realized because only a few agreed to give their informed consent. Using a sample of 56 Jordanian patients with â€Å"unilateral lower limb amputation† with mean duration of 8.4+/-5.75 years, Hawamdeh et al. (2008) assessed the prevalence of anxiety and depression among them and found that 63% (N=35) were normal while 37.5% (N=21) were â€Å"abnormal† (p. 629). Originally, 92 amputees were recruited for their study but the investigators reduced the respondents to 56 because failed to contact 25, 6 amputees did not consent to participate in the study, and 5 amputees were excluded because they did not respond to some parts of the questionnaire (Hawamdeh et al., 2008, p. 628). Hawamdeh et al. used a questionnaire that included clinical data that can indicate produce anxiety and depression scores and the participants â€Å"were fully informed about the nature of the study procedure and consent w as obtained from each subject before participating in the study† (p. 628). The study of Nachitz and Lenger (2008) is important because it clarifies that traumatic leg amputees are at greater risk for cardiovascular disease other than depression. Bhuvaneswar et al. (2007, p. 304) revealed that â€Å"posttraumatic appears to be more common in amputees following combat or accidental injury, whereas general rates of PTSD are 20 to 22% in

Monetary and fiscal policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Monetary and fiscal policy - Essay Example [1] Fiscal policy is the attempt to influence the level of economic activity through changing taxation and government spending. The fiscal policy helps in fixing aggregate demand through government spending and thus decides the level of economic activity in the country. IS or Investment Saving is a graph showing the balance between investment and savings. When plotted with income on the X axis and interest rate on the Y axis, the graph has a negative slope ie as the income increases, the supply of loanable funds goes down. This is to prevent an imbalance in the economy. The IS/LM model is a macroeconomic tool that demonstrates the relationship between interest rates and real output in the goods and services market and the money market. The intersection of the IS and LM curves is the "General Equilibrium" where there is simultaneous equilibrium in all the markets of the economy[2] There is a classical correlation between the monetary and fiscal policies and IS/LM. When there is a probability of inflation, which is rare in U.K as it has already been set at 2% by the government, the interest rates are increased by the government through the monetary policy. If the interest rates are high, demand slows down and the growth rate of the economy is arrested. If there are chances of a rapid inflation, the government can hike up the taxes that will in turn reduce spending. As a result, aggregate demand will be reduced and inflation will be controlled. Similarly, if there is a threat of recession, the government can reduce taxes and increase government spending. Lower taxes would translate in higher disposable incomes and thus, aggregate demand would increase. An increased demand would combat the recession and bring the economy back on its course. In other words, IS-LM can be said to show the relation between the theory of effective demand and the theory of liquidity preference. If we assume that there are only two

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Modern finance assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Modern finance - Assignment Example The formula is structured this way in order to make its analysis easier and more standardized. c. The investor in this case, by applying the model, understands the non feasibility of exercising the call option, since the price of the asset is lower than the strike price of 110. Question 2 a. Re = Ra + D/E(Ra-Rd) Firm A: 14% + 0.4(14%-9%) = 0.16 or 16% Firm B: 14% + 0.5(14%-9%) = 0.165 or 16.5% The return to equity represents the return required by shareholders. In this scenario, with all other factors constant, as the Debt to Equity ratios only differ, the results show that for Firm B, the shareholders require a 0.5% higher return than Firm A shareholders, due to the higher leverage. b. given the data, we also know that Risk = variance = w^2(a)*sigma(a)^2 + w(b)^2*sigma(b)^2 + 2w(a)w(b)*p*sigma(a)*sigma(b) i. 0.52*0.052 + 0.52*0.062 + (2*0.5*0.5*1*0.05*0.06) = 0.00303 Std dev = 5.5% ii. 0.52*0.052 + 0.52*0.062 + (2*0.5*0.5*-1*0.05*0.06) = 0.00003 Std dev = 0.5% iii. 0.52*0.052 + 0.52 *0.062 + (2*0.5*0.5*0.5*0.05*0.06) = 0.00228 Std dev = 4.77% c. ... Risk averse investors will usually never invest in risky assets and will play it safe. This means they will remain on or close to the Y axis of the graph below, taking on minimal or no risk and earning a low return. Investors with higher risk preferences will balance their portfolios with risky and risk free assets to achieve an optimal balanced portfolio which offers a return in line with risks. Their goal will be to reach the efficient frontier as shown below in the graph. Adding a risk free asset to a risk averse investors portfolio will not affect his return much. However, doing the same with a risk taking investor may reduce the return earned by the portfolio. As money used in the risk free asset could otherwise be utilized in higher risky assets to obtain a higher return. References Botkin, S. C. (2007). Lower your taxes-big time! : wealth-building, tax reduction secrets from an IRS insider. New York, McGraw-Hill. Chriss, N. (1997). Black-Scholes and beyond option pricing model s. New York, McGraw-Hill. JA?GER, C., & BO?Ckhaus, C. F. (2011). The Black & Scholes formula and resulting advancements derivation and interpretation with special focus on the validity of the underlying assumptions. Aachen, Shaker. Siegel, J. G., Shim, J. K., Hartman, S., & Siegel, J. G. (1998). Schaum's quick guide to business formulas 201 decision-making tools for business, finance, and accounting students. New York, N.Y., McGraw-Hill.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Monetary and fiscal policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Monetary and fiscal policy - Essay Example [1] Fiscal policy is the attempt to influence the level of economic activity through changing taxation and government spending. The fiscal policy helps in fixing aggregate demand through government spending and thus decides the level of economic activity in the country. IS or Investment Saving is a graph showing the balance between investment and savings. When plotted with income on the X axis and interest rate on the Y axis, the graph has a negative slope ie as the income increases, the supply of loanable funds goes down. This is to prevent an imbalance in the economy. The IS/LM model is a macroeconomic tool that demonstrates the relationship between interest rates and real output in the goods and services market and the money market. The intersection of the IS and LM curves is the "General Equilibrium" where there is simultaneous equilibrium in all the markets of the economy[2] There is a classical correlation between the monetary and fiscal policies and IS/LM. When there is a probability of inflation, which is rare in U.K as it has already been set at 2% by the government, the interest rates are increased by the government through the monetary policy. If the interest rates are high, demand slows down and the growth rate of the economy is arrested. If there are chances of a rapid inflation, the government can hike up the taxes that will in turn reduce spending. As a result, aggregate demand will be reduced and inflation will be controlled. Similarly, if there is a threat of recession, the government can reduce taxes and increase government spending. Lower taxes would translate in higher disposable incomes and thus, aggregate demand would increase. An increased demand would combat the recession and bring the economy back on its course. In other words, IS-LM can be said to show the relation between the theory of effective demand and the theory of liquidity preference. If we assume that there are only two

Crestwood Hills Cooperative Nursery School Essay Example for Free

Crestwood Hills Cooperative Nursery School Essay Crestwood Hills Cooperative Nursery School is a non-profit organization that specializes in providing education for pre-schoolers and toddlers with minimal supervision. While they have their own staff comprising of very qualified teachers, they also require active involvement from parents. The schools job is to support childrens needs with consideration for each childs uniqueness. Landing on a cooperative nursery school job is basically the same with other nursery schools. An instructor should be a Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education, as they will be primarily involved in pre-schoolers and toddlers. Also, some schools do require their staff to have some experience before they can be hired. Working in a cooperative nursery school has its advantages over regular nursery schools. The ratio of teachers to children is low because of the small population of the children. Teachers also have the support of the parents because of the nature of the school, which makes dealing with children easier and less stressful. While it can be said that pre-schoolers and toddlers can become a handful for one person, it is the satisfaction that contributing to the childs development can give is more important. It can be said that the main key of their success is due to the working together of teachers and parents for the childrens learning and growth. Regular schools require little participation of parents with their childrens education. In a cooperative nursery school like Crestwood Hills, they have programs where parents are required to attend. They have parent workdays, where parents assist teachers in the classroom. There is also weekend workdays where families can meet and maintenance of the school is done. Cooperative schools believe that parents should not depend their childrens learning only to teachers and the school (California Council of Parent Participation Nursery Schools, Inc. ). It is believed that cooperative nursery schools are very successful because of the nature of their organization. Aside from letting the pre-schoolers and toddlers grow and socialize in their own way just like any other nursery school, giving the parents the opportunity to be involved in their childs education is very helpful. It makes the children know that they are important to their parents. Showing support is also necessary for their confidence. Also, because cooperative schools are non-profit organizations, it can be said that parents do own the school and their involvement is greatly expected. Cooperative nursery schools are increasing in number these days. It is very fortunate to those parents who want to be a part of their childrens learning process that this kind of institutions are being put up. The early stages of development of a child is a very critical stage because this can become the foundation of who they can become. This is why it is important to be involved at that stage. Children can learn faster and better when they know that they are being supported by the people that surrounds them. It is admitted that there are some parents who would prefer regular nursery schools because of the amount of involvement required, and not all parents can give this because of their busy schedules. But, while cooperative nursery schools are made especially for the children, a lot can also be learned by the parents themselves. They can learn how to interact with their children better. They would be able to understand their young ones better through the help of the school. Also, they can spend more quality time with their kids. Educators for a cooperative nursery school has the most responsibility in this situation. They have to have knowledge about early childhood. They should be patient when dealing with the students and should be able to have a healthy relationship with the parents. They should not present a negative attitude towards the children that would make the children discouraged with learning. They should always be available whenever the children need help. As well, teachers should be able to monitor each childs development. And although experience can be their best tool, it would also help if they can extend their knowledge about children by learning more. This can either be through further education or just by learning from books or articles that are very much available anywhere. Teachers should understand that they are the biggest contributor to a childs growth and development, especially at an early stage. It is fortunate that they belong to a cooperative nursery school because the burden can be lifted a little off their shoulders because of the participation of the parents. It can then be said that everyone gains in a cooperative nursery school. Learning should always be fun and easy, and this could be achieved through any school, but cooperative nursery schools have an edge to it because of the involvement of the parents. Education should be the top priority of every parent. Teachers priority should be the learning process of the kids. This is why cooperative nursery schools like Crestwood Hills Cooperative Nursery School are successful and preferred by most. Reference California Council of Parent Participation Nursery Schools, Inc. Retrieved February 22,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Computer Forensics And Crime Investigations Information Technology Essay

Computer Forensics And Crime Investigations Information Technology Essay With the progression of time and advancement in technology, our digitized nation has and will become more dependent on computers as we use them in our daily lives whether it be at school, work, or for personal use. By evaluating past trends it is safe to calculate a rise in crimes using computers. Today criminals put a strain on computer forensic examiners, because there are few crimes that are committed without the involvement of a computer or any other computing device of some sort. Today with computer hardware and software becoming more sophisticated and portable along with wireless technology this broadens the definition of computers, but for this research a personal computer is the extent of the subject. With technology constantly evolving and with the definition updating what is to be considered evidence, this is why proper training and education is necessary. This is why it is imperative to examine crimes where computers play a role in a crime and it is essential to find any potential evidence located on the digital media. For a person charged with an offense, their charge in the case can be weakened if the investigation fails to find any such evidence. This is why it is imperative to create, build, and improve a national standardization and certification for the computer forensics field. The Statement of the Problem The definition of computer forensics may vary slightly depending on the authors on the subject. One of commonly known definition refers computer forensics as the acquisition, examination, and reporting of information found on computers and networks that pertain to a criminal or civil investigation (Kessler, 2005). Computer forensics is becoming increasingly important due to growth of crime-rates involving the use of computers and the Internet. Although such a trend is difficult to control completely, computer forensics technologies and applications provide necessary tools to law enforcement and other agencies to assist in crime investigations. Computer forensics is effectively used in solving cybercrimes; however, its use reaches far beyond just that. As many criminals engage in more sinister crimes-such as murder, kidnapping, sexual assault, and terrorism-also maintain incriminating information on their computers, recovering damning evidence from their computers often provides law enforcement crucial discoveries during investigations. There are numerous real-life crimes that were solved by use of computer forensics, and the significance of computer forensics continues to increase as technologies develop. However, computer evidence does not always provide solid traces of information necessary to prosecute a criminal due to computers volatile and virtual nature of data storage. Proper processing of computer evidence is essential to establishing credibility of evidence collected from computers and other peripherals, and it is computer forensics experts responsibility to ensure that the evidence is valid, uncorrupted, and unq uestionable. Why research this topic During a computer investigation, the computer system that is suspected to have to possible evidence must be properly handled by a professional. They investigator must create a copy or true image (bit stream) of the original media, which would be inspected later in the process for crucial evidence. When inspecting the copy the investigator will look for specific expressions or key words to establish any vital digital evidence that exists or has been deleted. The types of incriminating digital evidence could be many such as: racial discrimination, sexual discrimination, stock fraud, blackmail, and numerous others. To help promote fast turnaround time computer forensic professionals have the aid of commercial software packages like X-Ways Forensics, Encase, and several other commercial and open source utilities. Unfortunately, the consequences of not following precisely these steps can lead to the lost of evidence itself, and therefore it is important to create, build, and improve the m ethods of performing well-organized searches in order to trace evidence. The need for a current study in the computer forensics field is important for the future of not only the computer forensics field, and law enforcement, but for the legal system and everyone else who uses a computer. Today in our digital nation, we are becoming more dependable on technology and its many branches of devices. This has lead to make investigators ask themselves what type of computer crime has happened, what is considered evidence, and how to handle it. Methodology As time and technology progresses computer forensics is a very important factor on the war in computer crimes in our nation. Most reading suggest in order for computer forensics to properly be considered by the courts as a scientific discipline there has to be proper education, training, and testing for adequate certification. The time frames from the readings were 2000-2010, but a majority of them were from 2004 2006. There has been improvement in recent years to develop a national unified approach in undergraduate and graduate programs. Hypothesis Computer forensics is a relatively new field and discipline in the private sector compared to other forensic sciences. Computer forensics is the science of acquiring, preservation, identification, extraction/retrieving, and documentation of computer evidence that has been processed by electronic means and stored on a computer without altering any of the data in the process. With our rapidly evolving improving technology this has lead the definition of computer forensics to be interchangeable with digital forensics, which expands the definition to include PDAs, cell phones, and other portable devices. When conducting a forensic investigation with computer evidence; the investigator must perform particular procedures to guarantee successful evidence collection. The evidence collected can be useful in civil disputes, criminal cases, computer system break in, recover data, and human resources/employment proceedings. As our homes, workplaces, and organizations become more incorporated wit h the aid of information technology and the Internet; we also have to take into consideration the human element as a factor. This is why current research is needed to tailor programs for computer forensics to keep up with advanced criminals. background In order to prepare for the future we need to look in the past and try to figure out how we got here and how to fix some of the problems. Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal. (Albert Einstein) As technology changes and the words that explain it there is the unchanged motives and emotional needs that drives the criminal behavior. With this in mind we need to understand the intentions of the inventors for the computer and the Internet. Before the invention of personal computers and the Internet these technological tools were used exclusively for scientific leaders and the military; which were located in either military bases or major university campuses. Half a century ago, the technology we use today might have seemed like science fiction. The first general-purpose electronic computer was the ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer. The intentions of the creators were to design a machine for mathematical power for computing. The Un ited States Department of Defense began funding of ARPA (the Advanced Research Projects Agency) and in 1969 the Internets first long distance electronic communication was made. The intentions of the creators were to create an instrument to guarantee an infrastructure between military installations. The goal of computer forensics is to recover and preserve digital evidence and to understand as much information regarding to the data as possible. The need for a computer forensics examiner is after the fact electronic information has been altered, deleted, or stolen in a computer crime. As with any other types of crimes it is a fact that the criminal leaves behind traces of their activity and these traces are the smoking gun that leads to prosecution in the court system. A computer forensics specialist is more than a computer expert; they must know how to effectively perform complex evidence recover procedures. These procedures include: data duplication/preservation, data seizure, data recover, document searches, expert witness services, media conversion, computer evidence service options, and miscellaneous services. A computer forensic examiner must follow federal guidelines for data seizure. One course of action allows a representative to examine and duplicate designated documents or data compilations that may include evidence, and it is The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. When data is duplicated or preserved the main concern is that data must not be altered in any way. Data recover is performed using dedicated tools for computer forensics to safely recover and analyze evidence. A document search is the ability to understand storage technology and perform a search with speed and efficiency. Media conversion is the ability to find and cross-examine data from the source or unreadable device, extract data and convert it into readable formats. Part of being a computer forensic specialist is to at times be an expert witness, and explain complex technical processes in an easy to understand manner. Some level of services that should be offered is on-site, standard, emergency, priority, and weekend s ervices. Other miscellaneous services include analysis of computers and data, on-site seizure in criminal investigations. Also an advantage is the ability to work on both PC and Mac O/S and a fast turnaround of time. Overview of Computer Crime Today criminals usually are one step ahead of law enforcement agencies and they have the knowledge to use computers to their gain, and they have the ability to cover their tracks. Since technology is constantly changing definitions are quickly becoming outdated as new definitions expand new offenses to computer crimes. However, computer crime can be generally categorize into four categories and they are criminal activity that involves using a computer as an instrument to commit a crime, criminal activity that has a computer as a target, such as hacking into, criminal activity when the computer was unintentionally part of the crime, and crimes frequently associated with the use of computers. With this new definition computer crimes in 2009 have increased 22% from 2008. The computer as an instrument of a crime When a criminal uses a computer as an instrument in a crime we can think of it as when a burglar uses a crowbar or lock picks as in instrument to enter a house. For this research, when a computer is used as an instrument of a crime there objective is to obtain data to commit fraud, theft of service, harassment and other illegal activities through a network by copying data rather than deleting. Theft is when a criminal unlawfully takes and carries away property or service without the permission of the owner. The property and service can range from personal/private information, financial information, security information, human resources information, internet access and trade secrets. With the stolen property or services the criminal can reproduce false identification, copyright material, and distribute child pornography among other types of crimes. Another use of a computer is by writing letters or e-mails to make threats, harassments, or stalk individuals. Computer as a target When a criminal targets a computer as part of the crime they launch an attack on computers or networks trying to deny service by denying the rightful user access to their own computer system or data. Another attack could be to damage or alter the computer system or data by browsing through valuable information stored or saved on the computer. When a computer is vandalized this also is considered as a computer as a target, because valuable information stored in the computer is denied to the rightful owner. The computer as incidental to a crime In a crime scene a computer can be seen as a subsidiary tool to a crime when criminals use the computer to simplify their transactions. These crimes could happen without technology, but the computer assists the criminal in their transactions which might include child pornography, money laundering, leads to other crimes and other criminal information. This computer crime evidence could have names of victims, associates, clients, and perpetrators personal information. Crimes associated with the prevalence of computers Technology advancements have created new targets of conventional crimes and the targets are on the industry. This includes academic property, software piracy/counterfeiting, copyright infringement of computer programs, black market computer equipment, counterfeit equipment, identity theft, and programs, and theft of technological equipment. The most common use of this crime is piracy or the violation of copyright infringement of commercial software COMPUTER FORENSICS SERVICES Today on television there are shows that portray crime scene investigation while using computer forensics, and they give the audience a little glimpse into the world of computer forensics. When in reality computer forensics is meticulous work, but the shows leave out all the details of the process. Computer forensic today based on a theory of trace evidence, and this theory is build upon the development of forensic science. One of the motivating factors in the development of forensic science was by 20th century forensic scientist Edmond Locard, and his theory was called the The Locard Exchange Principle. The Locard exchange principle states there will always be an exchange when two items come into contact, and that the contact(s) will bring something into the scene of the crime and leave behind something in the scene, therefore leaving a trace of evidence. Although trace evidence might be small yet important information found in a computer, it alone is not enough to make a case. Traces evidence can might be the smoking gun that leads to a successfully win in a court case. No matter how well the criminal tries to cover up their tracks, in todays society with computers hooked up to a network or wirelessly leaves traces of stored data on a computer to be found. This is where the skills and services of a computer forensics specialist will come in handy. This section is where computer forensic specialist and self proclaim computer experts get divided into separate groups. The field of computer forensics is vital to law enforcement agencies, because the procedures to protect and present evidence in court are followed by the requirements of the judicial system. There are plenty of computer experts who know how to search through files, point, click, copy, and make directory listings, but a computer forensics specialist does more than this. A computer forensics specialist must be familiar with and understand in detail how files systems are created, accessed, deleted, and changed. With training and experience a computer forensics specialist understands the methods and techniques for securing and acquiring evidence without altering it in a legal manner. Acquisition Just as any other type of evidence, digital evidence also comes across some difficulty. So why go through the trouble of collecting it? It is because if we dont try to figure out who committed the crime, why they did it and how, then we will never be able to stop them or anyone else from committing a crime again. This is why trying to recover all possible deleted files is crucial. Areas to look evidence can be in the hard drive, page files, temporary or swap files, and unallocated space. When collecting evidence in this step no changes or modifications to the evidence must be made or else the evidence will be considered inadmissible. Preservation When a proper warrant is issued the ability to protect data from a recovered system must be protected and unaltered in any way. The computer forensic specialist should pay close attention to this step in trying to avoid the notorious Murphys Law. To avoid this mishap at this point in time an exact duplicate copy should be made in order to preserve the best evidence, the original evidence. One of the most effective ways to back up is the use of bit stream image back-ups. This method copies and preserves all data enclosed partition, logical drive, and physical drive in the hard drive. Another idea to think about when preserving digital evidence is where to save it, and that depends on the investigator and the organization they work for. Analysis The person conducting and analyzing the evidence in the investigation but be able to guarantee that the result of an conclusion came from the evidence, and were not in any way a part of contamination or error. One area that the computer forensic specialist can control is making sure hardware and software are working properly. They can also check to make sure their equipment is up to date with updates, verify licenses, and know how to use the equipment. A vital process to conduct analysis is creating a hash value. The hash value is created with software to produce a unique value, like a digital fingerprint, produce a mathematical value. Documentation This process is crucial in the field, because if one mistake is made in reporting of evidence, then any other evidence could be questioned. Once the evidence has been indentify everything encountered with the use of a digital camera, video camera, or pen and paper or a combination of two. Once this is done, then all evidence must be labeled and any devices attached to the computer along with ports and wires connected the two. In case a computer forensics investigator is testifying in a court case, then the documentation process will help the investigator jog their memory. In conclusion, following these steps is crucial in computer forensics because it builds stronger methods within time. Experience and training of software can result in better search techniques to build a better and faster turnaround time. There is a need for a current study to identify future trends and concerns in judicial system on the subject of digital evidence and computer forensics. With the data gathered on future trends schools and computer forensic field can educate and train future forensic investigators with current and proper techniques to keep up with criminals. References