Saturday, February 1, 2020

Similarities between the Picture House and theme parks in Disneyland Essay

Similarities between the Picture House and theme parks in Disneyland - Essay Example The only answer would be that until then we were confined to having pictures painted, but the possibility of seeing our pictures on paper as though they were real, enthralled people. The advent of the motion picture further popularized this cause. With the creation of movies, people who watched them began to feel that they were integral entities in the movie so much so that if there were an emotional scene, then most would be in tears, or if there were any action, one could see people emulating their favorite actors and sometimes would end up punching the fellow next to them accidentally. People began to sense their lives in the movie's story and this is the prime reason as to why people loved to throng the picture house. Pictures were beginning to be made on all sorts of subjects, from comedy to tragedy; from history to mystery; from morals to quarrels etc. Within due course of time, movies had extended such an influence over the public that everyone wanted to emulate his personal hero, for whom he was god (the actors in this case). We like to develop ourselves into looking and behave like our heroes. Cinemas became symbols of economic prosperity, and people felt proud of its stature.

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